We are partnered with God in our every step and we look to the Holy Spirit for guidance along the way. It is our hope that the gifts of the Spirit, as well as the fruit of the Spirit, will be apparent in every believer as they develop into maturity. Our ministry is based in Latin America and we have used the Spanish words “Espíritu Santo” (Holy Spirit) as an acrostic to paint a picture of our profile goal.
- Evangelism – a heart for the unreached.
- Saved – a clear understanding of salvation and who we are in Christ.
- Praying – using prayer as a vital part of our walk with God.
- Integrity – apparent in our everyday walk, and relationships.
- Reaching out to those hurting or going through a crisis.
- Intentional Christ-like behavior as a Disciple of Christ.
- Truth – seeking revelation of God through His written word for life application.
- Understanding that discipleship is a process that takes a lifetime.
- Spirit Filled – a life operating in grace, cultivating spiritual fruit.
- Anointed by the Holy Spirit for service.
- Nurturing others in their discipleship walk.
- Teachable – always remaining teachable as an example of humility.
- Obedient to the teachings of Christ as the living Word.